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STM ST-LINK first version

STM now released version2

  • Digikey here OUT of STOCK
  • STM gives availability to distridutors here

ST-LINK with LPC1xxxx

O.k., basically I got it working.
This morning I was able to flash and debug a sample application on a lpcxpresso 1769 board with a STLink in SWD mode. 
Singlestepping,  breakpoints and viewing of variables worked. 
I just had to define a clocking frequency, the (Eclipse-based) CooCox IDE did it not for me.
Next step is to try the same in JTAG made, and under Linux and with Crossworks.
Well, not to my total satisfaction ...
It doesn't work in JTAG mode (only SWD), which is not tragical at all.
With Crossworks, it does not work at all, complaining about a lost connection to target. 
I asked for help, but don't hold too much hope. 
The ST-Link adaptor is supported by Crossworks only under Windows - my second choice for a host OS.
  • Nikos: In my tests with LPC1114
can not program the Flash with ST-LINK
But if already programmed with LPC-Link, then debugging works