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The Lowest Cost RF-transceiver module, based on Si4432

Is used for amateur projects.
Not mentioned in Wireless Sensor Network Project.
It is NOT IEEE802.15.4
Sparkfun-Arduino-example-Firmware, SK-PANG, HW-kitchen,mikem-australia-virtual-wire, ArduinoPro328
  • RFM22 -118dBm, +17dBm, 19/30mA
Link Margin: 135dBm
Link Margin: 141dBm

Mike McCauley

This library provides classes for
   RF22: unaddressed, unreliable messages
   RF22Datagram: addressed, unreliable messages
   RF22ReliableDatagram: addressed, reliable, retransmitted, acknowledged messages.
   RF22Router: multi hop delivery from source node to destination node via 0 or more intermediate nodes
   RF22Mesh: multi hop delivery with automatic route discovery and rediscovery.
  • Connection
                Arduino      RFM-22B
                GND----------GND-\ (ground in)
                             SDN-/ (shutdown in)
                3V3----------VCC   (3.3V in)
interrupt 0 pin D2-----------NIRQ  (interrupt request out)
         SS pin D10----------NSEL  (chip select in)
        SCK pin D13----------SCK   (SPI clock in)
       MOSI pin D11----------SDI   (SPI Data in)
       MISO pin D12----------SDO   (SPI data out)
                          /--GPIO0 (GPIO0 out to control transmitter antenna TX_ANT
                          \--TX_ANT (TX antenna control in)
                          /--GPIO1 (GPIO1 out to control receiver antenna RX_ANT
                          \--RX_ANT (RX antenna control in)
  • Installation
Install in the usual way: unzip the distribution zip file to the libraries sub-folder of your sketchbook.
  • Build
  • Examples Build failed with Arduino022
  • ### Examples Build success with Arduino1.0 of ###


RFM22 Arduino


  • OpenLRS is an open project on Arduino and Si4432 + Atmega328 board

File:OpenLRS-1.jpg 350px 350px

  • To build use Arduino022
Arduino1.0 gives error for OpenLRS_RX