Joomla Install

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Dreaming of building a website you can edit yourself? 
Want an easier solution to rapidly deploy client sites? 
Looking for an intranet that will empower your employees. Look no further.

Joomla gives you the tools and power to build standard sites, 
directories, intranets, social networks, shopping carts, and so much more...
    1.Install XAMPP. Service section: check “Install Apache as service” and “Install MySQL as service”.
    2.Extract Joomla! ZIP package and copy files and folders included to: (XAMPP installation directory)/htdocs/(yourproject)/
    3.Go to http://localhost/xampp/index.php on your web browser and select “phpMyAdmin” from the left menu.
        Enter a name for the database that will be used by Joomla! on the “Create new database” field.
        Go to “Server: localhost” on the upper breadcrumb and press then the “Privileges” tab.
        Select “Add a new user”. Enter your desired username+password and “localhost” for host field. 
        If you’re going to use that user for administration tasks you can check all global privileges.
    4.Go to http://localhost/(yourproject) on your web browser to start Joomla! installator.
        Select your language for the installation process.
        Check that all the minimum requierements are working properly.
        Read the licence if you feel bored ;)
        On the database configuration page, enter username+password and database name previously defined. Also “localhost” for host name field.
        I won’t setup an FTP file system layer.
        On the main configuration page, it’s time to give a name to your website. 
        You must enter an e-mail address and a password that will be used by “admin” user. There’s an options area below for migration procedures. 
        You can also press “Install sample data” button if you don’t want to start your Joomla! project from scratch.
    5.Now Joomla! is installed and ready. Don’t forget to remove the installation directory. 
        You’ll find your frontend at http://localhost/(yourproject) and access your administration area at http://localhost/(yourproject)/administrator, 
        with user “admin” and password set on the previous step.
Σε λίγες εβδομάδες θα λάβει χώρα το δεύτερο Joomla! Day Greece, το ελληνικό συνέδριο για το Joomla!. 
Θα διεξαχθεί στις 2 και 3 Ιουνίου 2012 στο ίδιο μέρος όπως και πέρυσι, τον κινηματογράφο Δαναό στην Αθήνα.