Make turbidity sensor

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WashForAll Turbidity sensor

  • Wash for All group <ref> wash for all </ref> develops low cost sensors and tools and it is oriented on "universal access to clean drinking water and sanitation"
  • Based on TAOS TSL230R <ref> TSL230 </ref>sensor

The sample range we experimented with was quite small, with samples at 2, 5, and 8 NTU,

(single-beam IR LED with TSL230R sensor) 
  • This setup achieved the following accuracy measures:
± 0.5 NTU in the range of 0-20 NTU
± 2.0 NTU in the range of 20-200 NTU
± 2% in the range of 200-1000 NTU

After getting feedback on the device from some non-profit and charity agencies focused on rural, low-cost water testing, 
we’ve begun work on reducing costs even further and developing 
 a first-stage model that is suitable for assessing the chlorine demand of untreated water. 
In technical terms, this means it will have an accuracy of +/- 1 NTU on a range of 0-20 NTU, and +/- 5% in the range of 20-50 NTU.

  • OSRAM IR Leds:
  • SFH4550 70mW, 3'
  • SFH4650 60mW, 15'
  • SFH4655 60mW, 15'
  • SFH4715S 1W, 45'
  • OSRAM IR detector
  • BPY62 8' half angle

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