Terain Meetings

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  • ArcGIS for mobile
Used format is the native arcGIS format
This format seems that can not be used. Is too open
  • KML Format of the GoogleEarth, GoogleMaps
Can be used for Android development
Google Android provided API supports KML import
Is already tested and used (Fotis) to compare Terrain data with GoogleEarth
  • Proceed using KML
To test Astypalaia Data in KML
  • Existing knowledge on Android Market Pay system (G. Psimenos)
  • Target date to have the product is April 2012
  • Project Schedule and economics (Stephanos)


Varkiza Stephanos, Nikos

  • Targeting to develop Android market map-application
  • What about iphones?
  • Arcview layered data
  • Information level depends on:
Customer preferences
For example hide or only display:
Churches, Multilingual-display, caves...
  • There is info that can not be displayed on paper-map
more photos
more text
  • To further discuss:
  • Develop Java map-application for for NON-SMART phones
  • Give some maps for free on Android market
  • ArcGIS beta program:
Already participating!