First XBee Test

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From Robert Faludi Building Wireless Sensor Networks book chapter III Build a Better Doorbell page 57

BellXmit.PNG BellRx.PNG

BellXbeeArduino.PNG BellXbeeArduino2.PNG

  • One node configured as Coordinator AT and the other as Router AT using X-CTU utility
  • Both nodes configured from serial terminal 9600 8N1
  • DH,DL is the address of the opposite node. This address is printed on the module
ATID 2011
ATDH 0013A300
ATDL 43023E45

  • +++ changed the mode from transparent to AT commands. This lasts for 10 seconds
  • PANID Address is set to 2011
  • Destination Address High and Low as printed to opposite module
  • Write parameters to EEPROM

  • Lines 19,20 of BUTTON Arduino sketch transmits character D every 10 seconds
  • Receiver Acknowledges transmitting ACK


  • The Green-Led (RSSI)on both nodes blinks every 10 seconds
  • Checking the Green Led we were able to test the RF range of the nodes
  • Checking the intensity of the RSSI Green Led we have an indication of the RF link level


  • The measured range is: 30 steps Indoors Line Of Sight