San Juan

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PopNet™ is a robust, wireless, mesh networking protocol and operating environment 
designed to work  with low cost,  IEEE 802.15.4 radios and microcontrollers 
for low-power sensor and control applications. 
PopNet provides an easy to use environment for writing custom wireless applications.


  • SDK is used with:
Freescale BeeKit Wireless Connectivity Toolkit Free Download

PopNet Demo Kit Installation Key Code

If you have the demo kit and just need to unlock it use the assigned key code below. 
If you need the user name and password for the demo:
user: PopNet2DemoKit
pwd: openbay

Here is your key you will need for installing the demo:


Low Power Sleeping Mesh

PopNet does not currently support low power router (repeater) nodes in a mesh configuration out-of-the-box. 
We have been thinking about implementing this feature as is becoming one of the common customer requests.

However, the way PopNet is architected, it is possible to have a network where all nodes are low power.
In PopNet, any node may sleep (include those participating in routing), but they don’t route while they are asleep, as the radio cannot receive anything.

In order to use the mesh, the those nodes participating in routing must be awake. It is possible, if you have accurate synchronized timing in the network, 
to do what you are asking for below: 
   have the nodes sleep for a period of time, 
   then all wake up at the same time, 
   and route traffic, 
   then go back to sleep. 
   PopNet informs the application when it’s done communicating so the node knows it can go back to sleep.

It would take some effort to achieve the right balance of sleep to wake time, 
in order to ensure each packet makes it to its final destination before routers start sleeping again.

This would require:
1. A time protocol for synchronizing nodes
2. Monitoring the mesh activity to stay awake until the traffic is died down (all packets have been routed through any particular node). 

We do offer custom engineering services, if this is something you’d like San Juan Software to implement for Light Fast Electronics, 
or we can give your engineers some ideas of how to start if you wish to implement it yourselves on PopNet.