N-mote Tribute

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n-mote development for Tribute project



  • Hardware design of 802.15.4 WSN node with CC2538 and good Contiki support
  • First iteration of hardware tested succesfully for range and Contiki operation.
  • Second design iteration fixes minor hardware issues.


  • A long range WSN node as "plan B" if the deployment of 2.4GHz 802.15.4 n-nodeCC network needs too many nodes and gateways
  • Waiting PCB and parts delivery
  • Firmware in early development stage


  • Design of Small low power Microcontroller-only module to be used with 3d party WSN nodes(plan C) or n-Hlora
  • Tested


  • Design of Small board like n-U35 with better processing capabilities
  • In assembly phase


  • Design of Energy Harvester for WSN usage
  • Tested


  • Design of Photovoltaic module in n-mote form factor optimized for both indoor and outdoor usag
  • Modular approach, more than one modules can be added to the node
  • Delayed due to component supply issues
  • Partially tested


  • Design of n-mote form factor, node integration board
  • In assembly phase


  • Design of Multi sensor board in n-mote form factor with modular approach and sensing smt sensing modules
  • No CPU or RF
  • Humidity
  • Pressure
  • Temperature
  • Light
  • Finalizing Design


  • Evaluation of available sensors and technologies for Volatile Organic Components sensing
  • Selection of Sensing Element
  • Design of n-mote form factor interface board
  • Finalizing design


  • Evaluation of available sensors and technologies for CO2 sensing for occupancy
  • Low power considerations
  • Selection of Sensing Element
  • Design of n-mote form factor interface board
  • Finalizing design