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Revision as of 18:07, 15 October 2014 by NikoSysop (Talk)

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1. Install VirtualBox
As first step you have to install VirtualBox on your host system. Just follow the instructions on the VirtualBox website for your system.

2. Download Linux
For creating the development image, you have to download a Linux image first.
For this howto, Mint Linux 16 "Petra" (32-bit) with Xfce is chosen, as it provides small footprint and easy to use foundation.
You can of course choose any other Linux distribution of your choice, but you may have to alter the following steps.

3. Create a new image
Once you started VirtualBox, you have to create a new image. VirtualBox provides a wizard dialog for this, use the following options:
    Name: RIOT-dev (or whatever you want to name your image)
    Type: Linux
    Version: Ubuntu
    Memory size: 512MB
    Create a virtual hard drive now
    Hard drive type: VDI
    Dynamically allocated size
    File location and size: 8GB, choose the location where you want your computer to store the image file
Thats it, your newly created image should show up on the left hand side of the VirtualBox UI. For better performance you should adjust the 
Display properties to use 64MB and enable 3D acceleration.

4. Install Linux
Now select the image on the left and press Start. A blank window will open together with a wizard window asking you to select a start-up disk. 
In this dialog select the Linux Mint image you downloaded in step 2, then press start.
Now Linux Mint will start. Once on the Desktop, double click Install Linux Mint and follow the instructions using the default options.
Username: riot password: riot

5. Installing some needed Software
For now you have a 'bare' working system. To make it usable, some basic and useful software needs to be installed. For this, open a terminal 
and install the following packages:
    vim (useful but cryptic text editor)
    build-essential (gcc, std-c-lib and other build tools)

6. Installing ARM cross toolchain
GCC ARM Embedded (Launchpad) toolchain for ARM Cortex-Mx:
    add repository: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:terry.guo/gcc-arm-embedded
    apt update: sudo apt-get update
    install: sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi

CodeSourcery 2013.11 toolchain for ARM7:
    goto sudo add-apt-repository ppa:terry.guo/gcc-arm-embedded and download the linux intaller for the codesourcery 2013.11 arm-none-eabi-gcc
    execute binary and follow instructions of graphical installer

MSP430 toolchain, install following packages:

7. Clone RIOT
Clone the RIOT github repository by typing 
git clone in the directory of your choice.  <<didn't work
git clone << This one works

8. Happy hacking!