Pyton multifile source

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Revision as of 16:51, 11 September 2015 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

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The key is "import".
import yourmodule
newinstance = yourmodule.YourClass()

or you could say:

from yourmodule import YourClass
newinstance = YourClass()

Also there is the "package" solution where you have a folder "Modules" (you can call the folder whatever you want)
with several .py files which can all contain 1 or more classes.
Inside the Modules folder you put a file called: (notice double _ before and after) where you import all modules within the folder.

Folder hiearachy:



from Functions import *
import MyOsRelatedSTuff
import whatever

Notice that you exclude the .py - then to import this in your just:

Import foldername

In our case:

Import Modules

Then to use a class within Functions you need to call
