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20120104 Phone from n.p.

  • Current retail price is 50 E
  • ABCD inputs 95%, CAN-BUS only for some pcs
  • Meeting on 2011.01.09 to:
Confirm one day before (Sunday)
Test the board with changed resistors in inputs
Green clamp-type housing
Discuss USB/microSD

  • 20120104 Phone to c.b.
LPC1768FBD10055 price 4.4E
LPC1769FBD10055 price 4.6E
ATMEGA8A-AU price 1.44 E
ATMEGA168A-AU price 1.45 E
LM2576D2T-5G ON-semi price 0.90 E
TCMT1600 751-1374-2-ND OPTOCPL PHOTOTRANS 1CH 300% 4SOP $0.22400 @6000PCS
where to find usb-stick, micro-sd ?
Still ST-Ericsson radio at much better price than si-labs

Eurocircuits pricing

  • PVRADIO 41 x 45 mm
Stencil 36.6 EU
500 pcs 632 EU --> 1.264 EU / pc
1000 pcs 942 EU --> 0.942 EU / pc
  • PV 99 x 72 mm
Stencil -->41.2 EU
500 pcs 1340EU --> 2.680 EU / pc
1000 pcs 2090 EU --> 2.090 EU / pc


  • Prepare board for testing in today n.p. meeting (canceled)
  • R17-R30 input series resistors have to be increased
In tests the low and high could not be distinguished
The Led current was always large enough to activate the input optocouplers
For testing, instead change the on board smd 1.5K resistors, resistors on the clamp can be added
  • Some testing on the PWM audio
mbed P18 is the linear audio output from DAC
mbed P24 is PWM audio output
PCB modified P18 via capacitor is connected to Loudspeaker clamp.
LM386 seems dead
External amplifier can be used for testing and demo
Solder-wired Half bridge amplifier to PWM was not working well and removed
Worked better with +12 instead +5 but gets too hot
  • WHAT IF MP3 LIBRARY does not return from a function call?????????


  • Check USB connector