Wideband Ultrasonic

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28kHz cleaning transducers MPI-C-28
MPI-C-28 general use cleaning and liquid processing transducer
Good for applications in MMM technology and in constant-frequency applications
Central operating frequency: 28 kHz
Continuous operating power: 50 W
Best results will be achieved with MMM power supplies

Active Ultrasonic

MMM Generator Technology:
A new approach to Ultrasonic power supplies and systems
MMM (Modulated, Multimode, Multifrequency) ultrasonic generators utilize a new and proprietary technology capable of stimulating
 wideband sonic and ultrasonic energy, ranging in frequency from infrasonic up to the MHz domain, that propagates through 
arbitrary shaped solid structures. Such industrial structures may include heavy and thick walled metal containers, pressurized 
reservoirs, very thick metal walled autoclaves, extruder heads, extruder chambers, mold tools, casting tools, large mixing probes,
 various solid mechanical structures, contained liquids, and ultrasonic cleaning systems. Modulated, Multimode, Multifrequency 
sonic & ultrasonic vibrations can be excited in most any heavy-duty system by producing pulse-repetitive, phase, frequency and 
amplitude-modulated bulk-wave-excitation covering and sweeping an extremely wide frequency band. Every elastic mechanical system
 has many vibration modes, plus harmonics and sub harmonics, both in low and ultrasonic frequency domains. Many of these vibrating
 modes are acoustically and/or mechanically coupled, others are relatively independent. The MMM multimode sonic and ultrasonic 
excitation has the potential to synchronously excite many vibrating modes through the coupled harmonics and sub harmonics in 
solids and liquid containers to produce high intensity vibrations that are uniform and repeatable. Such sonic and ultrasonic 
driving creates uniform and homogenous distribution of acoustical activity on a surface and inside of the vibrating system, while
 avoiding the creation of stationary and standing waves, so that the whole vibrating system is fully agitated.

Every MMM system consists of:
A)   A Frequency Sweeping, Adaptively Modulated Wave Form generated by an MMM Ultrasonic Power Supply;
B)  High Power Ultrasonic Converter(s) / Transducer(s);
C)   Acoustic Wave-Guide (metal bar, aluminum, titanium), which connects the ultrasonic transducer with an acoustic load, 
oscillating body, or resonator;
D)   Acoustic Load (mechanical resonating body, sonoreactor, radiating ultrasonic tool, sonotrode, test specimen, vibrating tube,
 vibrating sphere, a mold, solid or fluid media, etc.);
E)   Sensors of acoustic activity fixed on, in, or at the Acoustical Load (accelerometers, ultrasonic flux meters, cavitation 
detectors, laser vibrometer(s), etc.), which are creating regulation feedback between the Acoustical Load and Ultrasonic Power
 Supply. In most of cases the piezoelectric converter can function as the feedback element, avoiding installation of other 
vibrations sensors. The Acoustic Activity Sensor relays physical feedback (for the purpose of automatic process control) between 
the Acoustical Load and Ultrasonic Power Supply.

In conventional ultrasonics technology the transducers and connected elements are designed to satisfy precise resonant conditions.
 To achieve maximum efficiency, all oscillating elements must be tuned to operate at the same resonant frequency. In contrast the 
patented MMM technology was developed to breakaway from this restrictive “tuned mode” by using advanced Digital Signal Processing
 (DSP) techniques to implement an intelligent feedback loop that allows adaptation to most any un-tuned, changing, or evolving 
mechanical system. Instead of optimizing acoustic elements to accept a specific resonant frequency operation, MMM systems use the 
intelligent DSP to adapt to the un-tuned load. The system continuously analyzes system feedback and optimizes a complex shaped 
electrical driving signal customized to each specific oscillating structure.

To remain compatible with standard transducers the MMM generators use an adjustable primary resonant frequency as a central 
carrier frequency that efficiently drives standard transducers in a modulated mode. The MMM driving oscillations are not fixed or
 random, rather they follow a consistent and evolving pulse-repetitive pattern, where frequency, phase and amplitude are 
simultaneously modulated by the control system. The optimized modulations provide a highly efficient transfer of electrical to 
mechanical energy and prevent the creation of problematic stationary or standing waves as typically produced by traditional 
ultrasonic systems operating at a single frequency.

MMM systems offer a high level of control through regulation and programming of all vibration, frequency, and power parameters 
using either a handheld control panel or a Windows PC software interface. The system’s fine control extends excellent 
repeatability and produces highly efficient active power that may range from below 100 W up to many kW. MMM technology can drive,
 with high efficiency, complex mechanical system up to a mass of several tons and consisting of arbitrary resonating elements.

Due to the flexible nature of the MMM technology, a wide range of new or improved applications are possible. For example 
applications requiring high temperatures represent a problem to conventional transducers that are extremely sensitive to heat. 
Since MMM systems are not restricted to specific tuned elements it is now possible to address high temperature applications 
through the use of extended acoustic wave-guides (e.g. 1 to 3 meters in length). An extended wave-guide puts the necessary 
physical distance between the heat sensitive transducer and the high temperature load. A long wave-guide also provides a 
convenient mounting point for cooling jackets that will draw away excessive heat and protect the transducer. Other fields of 
possible MMM Technology application are: Advanced Ultrasonic Cleaning, Material Processing, Sonochemistry, Liquid Metals and 
Plastics treatment, Casting, Molding, Injection, Ultrasonically assisted sintering, Liquids Atomization, Liquids Mixing and 
Homogenization, Materials Testing, Accelerated Aging, and Stress Release.

Please make contact with us to discuss any new or challenging application.


Scientific publications


See also

Wideband ultrasonic spectroscopy