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The DOS command line version of the STK500 software is useful for programming STK500 from external editors or for use in production programmers. 
Simple batch files can be made for automatic programming. Type STK500 -? for help.

Note: There should be no space between the parameter literal and the argument for any of the command line parameters that takes sub arguments. 
 I.E. it should be -dAT90S8518 and not -d AT90S8515.

The program returns ERRORCODE 0 if the operation was successful, and ERRORCODE 1 if the operation failed.

Command Line Switches:

    [-d device name] [-m s|p] [-if infile] [-ie infile] [-of outfile]

    [-oe outfile] [-s] [-O address] [-Sf addr] [-Seaddr] [-e] [-p f|e|b]

    [-r f|e|b] [-v f|e|b] [-l value] [-L value] [-y] [-f value] [-E value]

    [-F value] [-G value] [-q] [-Y] [-Z address] [-c port] [-ut value]

    [-Wt value] [-ua value] [-wt] [-wa] [-b h|s] [-! freq] [-t] [-I freq]

    [-J] [-h] [-?]


    STK500.EXE -dATmega128 -e -ifFlash.hex -pf -vf

    STK500.EXE -dATmega128 -fF73A -FF73A -EFF -GFF

    Note that there are no spaces between switches and their parameters

    and that hexadecimal values do not have a '0x' prefix.


d   Device name. For a list of supported devices use STK500.EXE -?

m   Select programming mode; serial (s) or parallel/high-voltage (p).

    Serial mode is the default mode if this parameter is ommitted.

if  Name of FLASH input file. Required for programming or verification

    of the FLASH memory. The file format is Intel Extended HEX.

ie  Name of EEPROM input file. Required for programming or verification

    of the EEPROM memory. The file format is Intel Extended HEX.

of  Name of flash output file. Required for readout of the FLASH memory.

    The file format is Intel Extended HEX.

oe  Name of EEPROM output file. Required for readout of the EEPROM

    memory. The file format is Intel Extended HEX.

s   Read signature bytes.

O   Read oscillator callibration byte. 'address' is the address of the

    calibration byte as decribed in the data sheet of the device.

Sf  Write oscillator call. byte to FLASH memory. 'addr' is byte address

Se  Write oscillator call. byte to EEPROM memory. 'addr' is byte address

e   Erase device. If applied with another programming parameter, the

    device will be erased before any other programming takes place.

p   Program device; FLASH (f), EEPROM (e) or both (b). Corresponding

    input files are required.

r   Read out device; FLASH (f), EEPROM (e) or both (b). Corresponding

    output files are required

v   Verify device; FLASH (f), EEPROM (e) or both (b). Can be used with

    -p or stand alone. Corresponding input files are required.

l   Set lock byte. 'value' is an 8-bit hex. value.

L   Verify lock byte. 'value' is an 8-bit hex. value to verify against.

y   Read back lock byte.

f   Set fuse bytes. 'value' is a 16-bit hex. value describing the

    settings for the upper and lower fuse.

E   Set extended fuse byte. 'value' is an 8-bit hex. value describing the

    extend fuse settings.

F   Verify fuse bytes. 'value' is a 16-bit hex. value to verify against.

G   Verify extended fuse byte. 'value' is an 8-bit hex. value describing

    the extend fuse settings.

q   Read back fuse bytes.

af  FLASH address range. Specifies the address range of operations. The

    default is the entire FLASH. Addresses are byte oriented.

ae  EEPROM address range. Specifies the address range of operations.

    The default is the entire EEPROM. Byte addresses.

Y   Perform the oscillator calibration sequence. See appnote AVR053 for more


Z   Loads a value from an EEPROM location prior to chip erase which then

    can be programmed into FLASH or EEPROM using the S option. Address is

    a decimal value. See appnote AVR053 for more information.

c   Select communication port; 'COM1' to 'COM8' for STK500 or AVRISP, 'USB'

    or 'USB:<sernum>' for AVRISP mkII. If this parameter is ommitted the

    program will scan the COM ports for STK500/AVRISP only.

ut  Set target voltage VTARGET in Volts. 'value' is a floating point

    value between 0.0 and 6.0, describing the new voltage.

ua  Set adjustable voltage AREF in Volts. 'value' is a floating point

    value between 0.0 and 6.0, describing the new voltage.

wt  Get current target voltage VTARGET.

wa  Get current adjustable voltage AREF.

Wt  Verify that VTARGET is within 5% of the given value. 'value' is a

    floating point value between 0.0 and 6.0.

b   Get revisions; hardware revision (h) and software revision (s).

!   Set oscillator frequency; 'freq' can be whole Hz, or kHz or MHz

t   Get oscillator frequency.

I   Set ISP frequency; 'freq' can be whole Hz, or kHz or MHz

J   Get ISP frequency.

g   Silent operation.

z   Not used. Supported for backwards compability.

h   Help information (overrides all other settings)


h|? Help information (overrides all other settings)



Example 1:


stk500 -dAT90S8515 -e -pf -if8515test.hex



stk500            Runs the file stk500.exe

-dAT90S8515       Set device to AT90S8515

-e                Erase flash

-if8515test.hex   Selects file "8515test.hex" to be programmed into flash

-pf               Program flash (with the selected file above)


Example 2:


stk500 -ccom1 -ut4.5 -ua4.5 -!3686000 -I460800 -dATMEGA8515 -lFF -fD9E4 -ms -ifC:\input.hex -pf -vf -e



stk500            Runs the file stk500.exe

-ccom1            Select comport #1

-ut4.5            Set the target voltage (4.5V)

-ua4.5            Set the Analog reference voltage (4.5V)

-!3686000         Set STK500 clock frequency to 3.68MHz

-I460800          Set ISP frequency to 460.8kHz

-dATMEGA8515      Set device to ATmega8515. Type "stk500.exe -h" to see all supported devices

-e                Erase flash

-lFF              Set lockbits to 0xFF

-fD9E4            Set fuses to 0xD9E4, High byte 0xD9, Low Byte 0xE4

-ms               Select serial programming mode

-ifC:\input.hex   Selects file "input.hex" to be programmed into flash

-pf               Program flash (with the selected file above)

-vf               Verify flash (with the selected file above)